Growth Track is a catalyst to help you become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ. From the initial decision to accept Jesus as your Lord to your role in life-changing ministry, the Growth Track pathway will lead you from wherever you are on your spiritual journey, to your NEXT STEP of growth in the Lord.
Classes meet in The Hospitality Room every Wednesday Night @ 7:00 PM.

Church 101 is the basic introduction to our church family. Since we have members from many different church and non-church backgrounds, this class was designed to clearly explain who we are and what we believe.
The topics covered in this class are described below.
- Montclair Tabernacles Church’s Story: who we are, where we have come from, and our focus today
- Our Purpose Statement: why we exist as a church and how we carry out our purpose as a church, including explanations about services, Small Groups, Growth Track, and Dream Team.
- Our Beliefs: four essential truths we believe and teach (Our full Statement of Faith is also made available.)
- Our Structure: Church government, leadership, and finances
- Our Hope for You: Next Steps; what does Montclair Tabernacle membership look like; review the Membership Covenant

ESSENTIALS 201 is class designed to provide the tools necessary to help each believer at Montclair Tabernacle become a spiritually mature disciple of Jesus Christ. The material in this session helps develop spiritual maturity so that fulfilling God’s will for your life can be realized.
The topics presented in this class cover some of the following:
- Spiritual Maturity and Discipleship: What are these and how they are possible
- Bible Study and Prayer: Getting a grasp on God’s Word and talking with God
- Fellowship with Other Believers: The purpose of Small Groups, meeting and making friends in church.
- Growing Spiritually: Understanding the Holy Spirit, Spirit-led living, and how to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
- Giving of Yourself: Areas of giving, the blessings of giving, and the giving attitude

DISCOVERY 301 class offers a step toward understanding how your uniquely designed personality, coupled with the spiritual gifts that God has given you, helps reveal a fulfilling path to your destiny. By completing personality/leadership style and spiritual gifts assessments, next steps to becoming involved in the ministry area of your passion are easily determined.
The topics covered in this class include:
- Discovering Your Personality: How personality is developed and exploring different areas of your personality
- Complete the Simple DISCovery analysis: Determine your most prominent Personality/Leadership Style
- Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts: Learn what spiritual gifts are not and how to receive spiritual gifts
- Complete the Spiritual Gifts assessment: Determine your primary God-given spiritual gifts and understand what they are
- Passion Assessment: Questions that help to narrow down areas of highest interest to you.

DREAM TEAM / IMPACT class gives you a straight line to get involved in ministry. We discuss the 3 levels of participation at Montclair Tabernacle and how important it is to move from being a spectator to a participant in Kingdom work.
The Topics covered in this class are:
- What is my role in the body of Christ
- Where can I use my giftings to the fullest through this local church
- What is required of me in order to serve
- Connect with a ministry and be a part of the dream team